Paulina Bachmann

Paulina Bachmann


Acting age
28-37 years
Place of birth
Height (cm)
Eye color
Hair color
strawberry blond(e)
Hair length
Very long
Place of residence
Potsdam (DE), Berlin (DE)
Housing options
Munich (DE), Hamburg (DE), Cologne (DE), Dresden (DE), Leipzig (DE), Berlin (DE), Vienna (AT)
CheerleadingDancesportInline skatingKarateFigure skatingAerobicsBalletGymnasticsMartial artsStandup paddleboarding
Hip hopJazz danceModern danceBalletDisco
Main profession
Speaker, Dubbing actor
Driver's licenses
B - Car


Other professional training

Sprecherziehung bei Karin Nolde
Präsenz im Casting
Sicherheitsinstitution Berlin
iSFF Institut für Schauspiel, Film- und Fernsehberufe
Tim Garde Workshop "Chubbuck & Choices"
Sprecherziehung bei Ursula Fischer
Die Tankstelle | Coaching | Film - TV - Theater
Die Tankstelle | Coaching | Film - TV - Theater
Acting Studio by Monika Schubert
VHS Berlin
Stage School Hamburg GmbH
Workshop bei Christine Kugler


Camgaroo Award Nominierung


Speedcasting 2024 - Wettbewerbsbeitrag (Short film)
Main role Paulina Bachmann
Gestern Nacht - Wettbewerbsbeitrag Speedcasting 2023 (Short film)
Gräfin (MR) Paulina Bachmann
About Jana (Cinema film)
Leia Sebastian Peterson
Happy Protein - Self Made Shorty (Short film)
Paulina (MR) Andreas Heßling
Heimlich (Short film)
Anna (MR) Yvonne Festl Producer: FreieFilmwerkstatt [de]
Fikkefuchs (Cinema film)
Nadine Jan Henrik Stahlberg Producer: Poison GmbH
Vater, Mutter, Hitler - Vier Tagebücher und eine Spurensuche (Documentary movie)
Paula Niemeyer (SR) Tom Ockers Producer: EcoMedia TV Produktion [de] Distribution: ARD [de]
Pauline (MR) Paulina Bachmann
Meier Müller Schmidt (Cinema film)
Rita (SR) Sebastian Peterson Producer: Sebastian Peterson Filmproduktion [de]
Splendid Bodies (Short film)
Tatiana (SR) Tim Kochs Producer: DFFB - Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin [de]
Tod den Hippies, es lebe der Punk (Cinema film)
Susa (SR) Oskar Roehler Producer: X Filme Creative Pool GmbH
Comtesse (Short film)
Hanna (SR) Sebastian Mattukat Producer: Milagro Produktion [de]
The Day After (Short film)
Paulina (MR) Roman Safin Producer: Roman Safin Produktion [fr]
Die Schöne und das Biest (Cinema film)
Princesse DB Christophe Gans Producer: Eskwad [fr]
Schlussmacher (Cinema film)
Brautjungfer Matthias Schweighöfer Producer: Pantaleon Films GmbH
Die Lust am Skandal - Promis außer Kontrolle (Documentary)
Helene Bethke (SR) Tom Ockers Producer: EcoMedia TV Produktion [de] Distribution: ZDF [de]
Die vierte Macht (Cinema film)
2 Flight Assitant (SR) Dennis Gansel Producer: UFA Cinema GmbH [de]
Geschichte Mitteldeutschlands - Heinrich IV. Der Canossa-Kaiser (Documentary series)
Mätresse (SR) Dirk Otto Producer: Ottonia Media GmbH [de] Distribution: MDR [de]


Nächste Ausfahrt Glück 9 (TV movie (series))
Polizistin (SR) Luise Brinkmann Producer: Producers at Work Film GmbH Station: ZDF Casting Director: Uwe Bünker
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück - Übers Ziel hinaus (TV movie (series))
Polizistin (SR) Peter Stauch Producer: Producers at Work GmbH Station: ZDF Casting Director: Uwe Bünker
Nächste Ausfahrt Glück - Endlich Ich (TV movie (series))
Polizistin (SR) Peter Stauch Producer: Producers at Work GmbH Station: ZDF Casting Director: Uwe Bünker
SOKO Wismar (TV series)
Alexa Simon (SR) Janis Rebecca Rattenni Producer: Cinecentrum Berlin Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH [de] Station: ZDF [de] Casting Director: Sabine Weimann
Bullsprit (Webserie) (Series)
Bunny (SR) diverse Producer: Pantaleon Films GmbH
Leichtmatrosen – Drei Mann in einem Boot (TV movie)
Braut (SR) Stefan Hering Producer: Flare Film GmbH [de] Station: ARD [de], Degeto [de], SWR [de] Casting Director: Uwe Bünker
Generation Why? (Pilot)
Melanie Diana Minkenberg Producer: Paper Heart Film & Series Production [de]
SOKO Wismar (TV series)
Nina Rotendorf (SR) Bruno Grass Producer: Cinecentrum Berlin Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH [de] Station: ZDF [de]


Santiano - Mädchen von Haithabu (Music video)
Eileen (EL) Charly Dreyfuss Producer: Mutter & Vater Productions GmbH


ZipRecruiter (Commercial)
Floristin (MR) Laura Pia Samide Producer: Jellyfish Casting Director: Laylla Mustafa
Lumaland (Commercial)
Frau / Couple (MR) Maria Vaorin Producer: Social Chain Group
Cinnamon GmbH - Fahrservice (Image movie)
Geschäftsfrau (MR) Sebastian Spiewok Producer: Rebellab Audiovisual Narratives, Digitale Video- und Filmproduktion
UBUP (Commercial)
Main role Stefan Nagel Producer: Sqeen GmbH Casting Director: Die Ermittlerinnen
Migros - Battle of Taste. Vol II (Commercial)
Tänzerin im Club (SR) Simon Ritzler Producer: Who's Mcqueen Picture GmbH