Lucas Prisor

Lucas Prisor

Dorothée Grosjean
+33 1 56 69 33 00
open agency on Filmmakers


Acting age
29-40 years
Year of birth
1983 (40 years)
Place of birth
Height (cm)
Weight (in kg)
Eye color
Hair color
Hair length
athletic / training
Place of residence
Berlin (DE)
Housing options
Bordeaux (FR), Paris (FR), Hanover (DE)
Horse riding
Main profession
Driver's licenses
B - Car


Primary professional training

2006 – 2010
Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig


Grimme-Preis: „Im Feuer- Zwei Schwester“
Grimme-Preis: Kategorie "Fiction" für "Neuland"
Deutscher Filmpreis: "Bester Kinderfilm" für "Der Pfad"
Grimme-Preis: Kategorie "Fiction" für "Polizeiruf", Sabine
Golden Globe: "Bester ausländischer Film" für "Elle"
César: "Bester Film" für "Elle"
Independent Days Film Fest: "ZEUS-Award" als "Best Actor" in "Samira"
Vontobel-Preis und Ensemble-Preis für das Theaterstück "Ego-Shooter: Generation Peer"


Grimme-Preis für "Im Feuer - Zwei Schwestern"
INRI - Der Prozess gegen Jesus (aka INRI - Warum musste Jesus sterben?) (Documentary movie)
Judas (SR) Christian Twente Producer: NFP Station: ZDF [de]
The doctor says, I'll be alright but I'm feelin' blue (Cinema film)
Hannes (SR) Mascha Schilinski Producer: Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH
Suicide Club (Short film)
Tobias (SR) Antoine Delelis Producer: Les Films du Tonnerre [fr]
Der Pfad (Cinema film)
Theo (SR) Tobias Wiemann Producer: Eyrie Entertainment GmbH
Im Feuer - Zwei Schwestern (Cinema film)
Tom (SR) Daphné Charizani Producer: Pallas Film GmbH
My Zoe (Cinema film)
Young Doctor (SR) Julie Delpy Producer: Amusement Park Film GmbH
Nos Patriotes (Cinema film)
Lieutenant Bernhard (SR) Gabriel Le Bomin Producer: Vertigo Productions
Lost Paradise / War Photographer (aka Der Mann mit der Kamera) (NOT COMPLETED) (Feature film)
Nathan (MR) Bernd Wunder Producer: Latemar Film
1918 Aufstand der Matrosen (Documentary movie)
Karl Artelt (MR) Jens Becker Producer: Riva Filmproduktion [de]
Heritage (Feature film)
Young Gerhard (Ot) William von Tagen Producer: von Tagen International [us]
Les Photographes (Short film)
Monsieur Mörthy Aurélien Vernhes-Lermusiaux Producer: Noodles Productions [fr]
Elle (Cinema film)
Kurt (SR) Paul Verhoeven Producer: SBS Films [fr]
Ein Sack voll Murmeln (Cinema film)
Contrôleur Allemand (SR) Christian Duguay Producer: Quad [fr]
Samira (Short film)
Janosch (MR) Charlotte Rolfes Producer: Hamburg Media School
The Actor (Short film)
Lucas (SR) Ütz Fonfara Producer: Papermoon Films [de]
Diplomatie (Cinema film)
SS 1 (SR) Volker Schlöndorff Producer: Film Oblige [fr]
Conga (Short film)
Hauptmann Feuerbach (MR) Mario Maquedano Producer: Lesterfilm [fr]
The Anklet (Short film)
Ami (MR) Guillaume Levil Producer: Les Nous, Guillaume Levil & Bruno Duyé [fr]
Jung & Schön (Cinema film)
Felix (SR) François Ozon Producer: Mandarin Production [fr]
Ápnoia (Short film)
Mann (SR) Katharina Rivilis Producer: Katharina Rivilis Produktion


Dünentod. Ein Nordsee-Krimi - Das Grab am Strand (TV movie (series))
Knut Nommsen (SR) Ismail Sahin Producer: MadeFor Film GmbH [de] Station: RTL [de]
Kommissar Dupin - Bretonische Nächte (TV movie (series))
Maxime Contel (SR) Holger Haase Producer: Filmpool Fiction GmbH Station: ARD [de]
Der König von Palma (TV series)
Jupp Becker (SR) Isabell Šuba, Florian Gottschick Producer: UFA Fiction Station: RTL [de]
Familienerbe (TV movie)
Mattes Schlegel (MR) Holger Haase Producer: Zeitsprung Pictures GmbH (formerly Zeitsprung Entertainment GmbH) Station: SWR [de]
Neuland (Mini series)
Marek Leitner (SR) Jens Wischnewski Producer: Odeon Fiction GmbH (formerly H&V Entertainment GmbH) Station: ZDF [de]
Meine Mutter gibt es doppelt (TV movie (series))
Sebastian Holtmann (MR) John Delbridge Producer: Bantry Bay Productions GmbH Station: ARD [de]
Meine Mutter im siebten Himmel (TV movie (series))
Sebastian Holtmann (MR) John Delbridge Producer: Bantry Bay Productions GmbH Station: ARD [de]
Meine Mutter und plötzlich auch mein Vater (TV movie (series))
Sebastian Holtmann (MR) Jurij Neumann Producer: Bantry Bay Productions GmbH Station: ARD [de]
Polizeiruf 110 - Sabine (TV movie (series))
Paul Lettcke (SR) Stefan Schaller Producer: Filmpool Fiction GmbH Station: NDR [de]
Bonusfamilie (TV series)
Patrick (MR) Isabel Braak Producer: Good Friends Filmproduktions GmbH Station: BR [de]
Hackerville (TV series)
Security Anca Miruna Lazarescu, Igor Cobileanski Producer: Mobra Films [ro] Station: [TNT Serie] [de]
Das Nebelhaus (TV movie)
Timo Stadtmüller (MR) Claudia Garde Producer: W&B Television GmbH Station: SAT.1
Tatort - Zeit der Frösche (TV movie (series))
Bassi Mahler (SR) Markus Imboden Producer: Zieglerfilm Baden-Baden Station: ARD [de]
Charité (TV series)
Kaiser Wilhelm II (ESR) Sönke Wortmann Producer: UFA Fiction Station: ARD [de]
Wolfsland - Tief im Wald (TV movie (series))
Patrick Frenzel (SR) Tim Trageser Producer: Molina Film Station: ARD [de]
Sechs auf einen Streich - Das singende, klingende Bäumchen (TV movie (series))
Der junge Prinz (MR) Wolfgang Eißler Producer: Studio.TV.Film GmbH Station: rbb [de]
Eine gute Mutter (TV movie)
Ole (SR) Claudia Garde Producer: FFP New Media GmbH Station: ARD [de]
Lotte Jäger und das tote Mädchen (TV movie)
Jörg Teschke (SR) Sherry Hormann Producer: UFA Fiction Station: ZDF [de]
Der Chef ist tot (TV movie)
Sören Koperski (MR) Markus Sehr Producer: Zieglerfilm Köln GmbH Station: ZDF [de]
Kommissarin Heller - Hitzschlag (TV movie (series))
Jens Wieczorek (MR) Christiane Balthasar Producer: Ziegler Film GmbH & Co. KG Station: ZDF [de]
Gut Molzow (Teaser (series concept))
Heinrich (MR) Kerstin Schefberger Producer: UFA Serial Drama GmbH
Tatort - Wer Wind erntet, sät Sturm (TV movie (series))
Kilian Hardendorf (SR) Florian Baxmeyer Producer: Bremedia Produktion GmbH Station: RB - Radio Bremen TV [de]
Die Himmelsleiter - Sehnsucht nach Morgen (Multi-part)
Gerhard Zettler (MR) Carlo Rola Producer: Bavaria Fiction GmbH Station: Degeto [de]
Sibel & Max (TV series)
Paul Wessling (EL) Felix Herzogenrath, Holger Schmidt, Ulrike Hamacher Producer: ndF neue deutsche Filmgesellschaft mbH Station: ZDF [de]
Schuld - nach Ferdinand von Schirach (TV series)
Junger Mann (SR) Maris Pfeiffer, Hannu Salonen Producer: MOOVIE GmbH Station: ZDF [de]
Block B - Unter Arrest (TV series)
Holger Kröger (SR) Jörg Mielich, Kai Meyer-Ricks, Tina Kriwitz Producer: UFA Serial Drama GmbH Station: RTL [de]
Unterm Eis (TV movie)
Jonas (MR) Jörg Grünler Producer: Studio Hamburg FilmProduktion GmbH [de] Station: ARD [de]
Tatort - Kälter als der Tod (TV movie (series))
Elias Jacobi (SR) Florian Schwarz Producer: HR - Hessischer Rundfunk [de] Station: ARD [de]
Mein Lover, sein Vater und ich (TV movie)
Sascha Brehmer (MR) Holger Haase Producer: Ninety-Minute Film GmbH Station: SAT.1
Die Pilgerin (Multi-part)
Damian Laux (SR) Philipp Kadelbach Producer: TeamWorx Television & Film GmbH [de] Station: ZDF [de]
Un Village Français – Überleben unter deutscher Besatzung (TV series)
Günther (SR) Jean-Marc Brondolo Producer: Tetra Media Station: France 3 [fr]
SOKO Wismar (TV series)
Per Nordenberg (EL) Felix Herzogenrath Producer: Cinecentrum Berlin Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH [de] Station: ZDF [de]
Tatort - Todesbilder (TV movie (series))
Hochzeitsgast Miguel Alexandre Producer: Saxonia Media Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mbH Station: MDR [de]
SOKO Stuttgart (TV series)
Felix Dörfner (MR) Rainer Matsutani Producer: Bavaria Fiction GmbH Station: ZDF [de]
Der kalte Himmel (Multi-part)
Demonstrant (Ot) Johannes Fabrick Producer: TeamWorx Television & Film GmbH [de] Station: ARD [de]


Margarethe 89 (Dubbing)
Rainer (SR) Lucas Malbrun Producer: Eddy Production [fr]