Charlotte Neef

Charlotte Neef

Fangfrisch Berlin (Main agency)
Alessandra Martinez
+49 30 616 71380
open agency on Filmmakers

About me

 Permeability & power!
Born and raised in Berlin in 1975, Charlotte started her career as a dancer. At the age of 17 she entered the M.M. Dancers Berlin Company recorded. There she worked in numerous dance and musical productions under the direction of choreographer and director Manuel Mandon until 2001, including the cinema production "Bandits" directed by Katja von Garnier as an actress. In 2003 she appeared on stage with her own autobiographical musical production "The Dance of My Life".

 In the years that followed, Charlotte worked as an actress in numerous film, television and advertising productions, e.g. directed by Hartmut Schoen, Gregor Schnitzler, Dennis Satin, Tim Stoffel and others. Since 2010 she has been acting and singing in various theater productions, most recently at the Atze Musiktheater in Berlin in the award-winning production "Bach - The Life of a Musician", staged by Matthias Witting.
 From January '18 to November '21, Charlotte was active as a co-founder of NETSERIES GbR, a creative film workshop from Berlin. Here she was involved in the development of the TV comedy series Loft Ladies, in which she played one of the main roles.

 She can currently be seen at the Berlin Kriminal Theater in the productions "Passagier 23", Der Seelenbrecher" and "Außer Kontrolle". With her singing duo "Grasland - Poetic-Country-Sound" she is present at weddings and events.

 In addition to her work as an actress, Charlotte teaches dancing, singing and acting to children. As a psychological coach, she also accompanies people in their personal development.

 Charlotte lives with her husband and their two children in Berlin-Kreuzberg. 


Acting age
41-49 years
Year of birth
1975 (48 years)
Place of birth
Height (cm)
Weight (in kg)
Eye color
gray green
Hair color
Hair length
Place of residence
Berlin (DE)
Housing options
Gdańsk (PL), Munich (DE), Hamburg (DE), Stuttgart (DE), Cologne (DE), Berlin (DE), Frankfurt (DE)
Berlin German(native dialect)
Alpine skiingBalletPilatesYoga
Contact ImprovisationHip hopJazz DanceModern DanceBalletLatin American dancestap-danceFreestyle danceStandard
Main profession
Comedian, Facilitator, Musical actor, Speaker, Dubbing actor
Special skills
Driver's licenses
B - Car


Other professional training

Archetypen im Film - Figurenentwicklung: Simon B. Veredon, Netseries.Berlin
Masterclasses/Workshops: Bernard Hiller, Lisa Pescia, Sandrine Hudl, Acting Booster Company
Szenenanalyse / Drehvorbereitung / Workshops: Sigrid Andersson, Andi Niessner, T. Albert, Die Tankstelle | Coaching | Film - TV - Theater
Meisner-Training / Actors on Film: Athanasios Karanikolas & Mike Bernardin, Actors Space, Berlin
Method-Acting / Camera Acting, Karin Seven, Bettina Lohmeyer, Amir Fatih, Berlin
Psychologie-Studium, Diplom 2003, TU-Berlin
Gesangsausbildung (Jazz, Pop, Musical), Virginia Kahn, Berlin
Tanzausbildung in Ballett, Jazz, Step, Modern, Hip Hop, Tanz-Atelier Zehlendorf, Ballett-Centrum und Musical-Schule Ku-damm Karree, Berlin "
Schauspielunterricht, Eike Steinmetz, Berlin


Der Albaner (Cinema film)
Nikolas beste Freundin Johannes Naber Distribution: Kino, Arte, SWR
Warum Männer nicht zuhören und Frauen schlecht einparkenn (Cinema film)
Neandertalerin (TR) Leander Haußmann Distribution: Kino Casting Director: Simone Bär
Bandits (Cinema film)
Tänzerin (TR) Katja von Garnier Distribution: Kino Casting Director: Sabine Schroth


Loft Ladies - Ziemlich schlechte Freundinnen
Agnes (HR) (MR) Simon B. Veredon Station: Comedy-Serie / Netseries Content Factory
Das Ende ist nicht aller Tage
Karla Kittredge (HR) (MR) Josephine Kuttning Station: Kurzfilm Filmarche Berlin
Charly (HR) (MR) Richard Schut Station: 3D-Kurzfilm
Birgit (HR) (MR) Jenny Gräfe Station: Ausbildungsproduktion TU Ilmenau
Security - Interaktiver Krimi
Barbara Meyer (HR) (MR) Sebastian Würtz Station: Labster Studio
Elevator Pitch
Sabine (HR) (MR) Jan-Peter Horstmann Station: Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf
Martha und George
Martha (HR) (MR) Jan-Peter Horstmann Station: Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf
Mein Sohn Helen
Kandidatin 2 (TR) Gregor Schnitzler Station: ARD Casting Director: Sabine Weimann
Unverschämtes Glück
Aktivistin (TR) Hartmut Schoen Station: ARD Casting Director: Bo Rosenmüller
Einmal Leben, bitte!
Hotelgast (TR) Franziska Meletzky Station: ZDF Casting Director: Franziska Aigner
Das Adlon - Eine Familiensaga
Tänzerin (TR) Uli Edel Station: ZDF Casting Director: Anja Dihrberg
Anna und die Liebe
Ninas Mutter (TR) Jurij Neumann Station: Sat 1
Die Trixxser
Beamtin (TR) Dennis Satin Station: RTL
Achtung Arzt!
Funkemariechen Rolf Silber Station: Sat 1
Eine wie keine
Hotelgast (TR) Franziska Hörisch Station: Sat 1
Soko Wismar
Braut (TR) Sascha Thiel Station: ZDF Casting Director: Bo Rosenmüller
Alisa - Folge deinem Herzen
Lehrerin Klaus Kemmler Station: ZDF


Außer Kontrolle
Pamela Willey Wolfgang Rumpf Theater: Kriminal Theater
Der Seelenbrecher
Yasmin Schiller Wolfgang Rumpf Theater: Kriminal Theater
Passagier 23
Julia Stiller Thomas Wingrich Theater: Kriminal Theater
Bach. Das Leben eines Musikers
Schicksal (HR) (MR) Matthias Witting Theater: Atze Musiktheater Berlin
BurnOut - PowerOn!
Mechthild Kraft (HR) (MR) Rainer Eckhardt Theater: Galli Theater
Die Männerfalle
Frau Kannich (HR) (MR) Marion Martinez Theater: Galli Theater
Gisela Mang (HR) (MR) Marion Martinez Theater: Galli Theater
Hänsel und Gretel, Dornröschen, Bremer Stadtmusikanten, Die Schneekönigin, Rumpelstilzchen, Rotkäppchen, Die kleine Seejungfrau
Hexe, Esel, Schneekönigin, Großmutter, Rumpelstilzchen, Meereshexe Marion Martinez Theater: Galli Theater
Zu Fall
Penelope (HR) (MR) Nele Wulff von Poser Theater: Kiezbühne Berlin
Motte & Co
Lotte Motte (HR) (MR) Nele Wulff von Poser Theater: Kiezbühne Berlin
Freundschaft macht stark!
Amir / Asslam Nele Wulff von Poser Theater: Kiezbühne Berlin
Die Stärkere
Madame X (HR) (MR) Nele Wulff von Poser Theater: Kiezbühne Berlin


Grasland - Poetic-Country-Sound (Other)


Vanish / Albinana Productions (Commercial)
Waschexpertin (MR) Sven Böllinger Producer: Raquel Saera / Pol Arnella
CLIQ Digital - "Best of Alles" / SOUP FILM Production
Mutter Justin Izumi Casting Director: Tröber Casting
Next Generation Toom Baumarkt
Mutter Max Millies Casting Director: deebeephunkey
DAMiD Dachverband der antroposophischen Medizin in Deutschland
Mutter Wanja Wotschak Casting Director: Wanja Wotschak / Andrea Wenzel
Treffen sich zwei Coaches
Coach Medappa Cheranda
ACV. Der Automobilclub mit Pfau
Mitarbeiterin Tim Stoffel
Mrs. Sporty
Sportlerin Michaela Rose
Alarm! BILD Bundesliga
MSA.Alpha Belt
Gerettete Oliver Puck
Kundin Tobias Weishaupt