Andreas Berg

Andreas Berg

Schumann Management (Main agency)
Wolfgang+Alexander Schumann
+49 179 5980 959
open agency on Filmmakers


Acting age
41-51 years
Place of birth
Height (cm)
Weight (in kg)
Eye color
Hair color
Hair length
Ethnicity and heritage
White or Caucasian
athletic / training
Place of residence
Berlin (DE)
Housing options
Munich (DE), Hamburg (DE), Cologne (DE), Dresden (DE), Leipzig (DE), Frankfurt (DE), Stuttgart (DE), Zürich (CH), Berlin (DE)
Berlin GermanHamburgian(native dialect)
BalletJazz danceModern dance
Main profession
Dubbing actor
Driver's licenses
B - Car


Primary professional training

Bayerische Theaterakademie August Everding

Other professional training

Die Tankstelle | Coaching | Film - TV - Theater
iSFF Institut für Schauspiel, Film- und Fernsehberufe
Theaterakademie August Everding


Best Actor "Schlussklappe" (Feature film)
"Schlussklappe", Grenzland Filmtage, Publikumspreis Spielfilm (Feature film)
Ernst Lubitsch Preis - NewComerComedy Award für ''Schlussklappe" (Feature film)
"Schlussklappe", Filmfest Bremen, Publikumspreis (Feature film)
"MMF", South Film and Arts Academy Festival,
"MMF",Grenzland-Filmtage, Publikumspreis, bester Kurzfilm


Immerhin die Kunst, die Kunst
Dr. Braun (SR) Antonia Walter Producer: DFFB Casting Director: Natascha Zimmermann Written by: Antonia Walter
Schlussklappe (Feature film)
Robert Baum (MR) Niclas Mehne Producer: Andreas Berg Produktion, Bergfest FILM Distribution: Sodawasser Pictures
7Liars (Webserie) (Series)
Benni (Many Happy Returns) (SR) diverse Producer: Filmarche Berlin e.V.
Mississippi (Short film)
Micha (SR) Anna-Katharina Schröder Producer: Anna-Katharina Schröder Produktion [de]
The Act of Devouring (Short film)
Herr Geier (MR) Emir Ziyalar Producer: Famu Film and TV School [cz]
The Electric Dream (NOT COMPLETED) (Short film)
Sir Kingston (SR) Richard Paraiso Producer: Phantom Columbia [de/uk]
Cord (Short film)
Therapieteilnehmer (SR) Tim Garde Producer: Tim Garde Produktion [de]
Geschichte Mitteldeutschlands - Hitler. Ein Attentat und die Drahtzieher aus Magdeburg (Documentary series)
Fabian von Schlabrenndorff (MR) Peter Pepe Pippig Producer: Saxonia Entertainment GmbH [de] Distribution: MDR [de]
Pope vs. Hitler (Documentary movie)
Hitler (MR) Christopher Cassel Producer: Castle Pictures [us] Distribution: National Geographic
Mustard Seed (Short film)
SS Soldat (MR) Lina Roessler Producer: Molly Aida Film
MMF (Short film)
Martin (MR) Leonard Garner Producer: Leonard Garner Produktion
Auf Augenhöhe (Short film)
Markus Wichmann (MR) Pascal Charpentier Producer: PMC Productions, Pascal Charpentier
12 Theses (NOT COMPLETED) (Feature film)
Dr. Fröhlich (SR) Stefan Asang Producer: Mammal Productions, Inc
Rotwild (Short film)
Klaus (MR) Felix Zimmer Producer: OTH, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden [de]
Guten Tag, Ramón (Cinema film)
Neumann (SR) Jorge Ramirez-Suarez Producer: Beanca Films [mx]
Herrmann (Short film)
Herrmann (MR) Gerd Reda Producer: Art-on-the-Run Film School Berlin (formerly Kaskeline Filmakademie)
Warum Ich (Short film)
Detective (SR) Nici Brückner Producer: World Color Studio, Nici Brückner [de]
Woanders / Elsewhere (Short film)
Holger (SR) Nossa Schäfer Producer: Schäfer & Fröhlich GbR [de]
For Those Whose God Is Dead (Feature film)
Dr. Adrian (SR) Jeremiah Mosese Producer: Mokoari Street Productions [de]
Heal me (Feature film)
Achim (SR) Anne-Laure Wagret Producer: Kiwifilm Production, Denis Hennlich [de]
Bitte nicht stören (Short film)
Manager (MR) Lorena Metzger Producer: Hochschule Offenburg [de]
No Story is just Black or White (Feature film)
Johannes (SR) Hannah Stockmann Producer: Mokoari Street Productions [de]
Nur Mut! (Short film)
Herbert Dalles (Mathelehrer) (SR) Aaron Brusius Producer: Aaron Brusius Produktion
Bon Appetit (Short film)
Hieronymus (MR) Margherita Arco Producer: Tisch School of the Arts (NYU) [us]
Monday Mornin' (Short film)
Frank Neubauer (MR) Moritz Mebesius Producer: Streetlight Media [de]
Dasein (Short film)
Zweite Bunnymaske und Nr. 5 (SR) Martina Baist Producer: Martina Baist Produktion


Schlussklappe (Feature film)
Robert Baum (MR) Niclas Mehne Producer: Andreas Berg Produktion, Bergfest FILM Station: SWR / SR Distribution: Sodawasser Pictures
Die Heiland - Hundstage (TV series)
Arne Wilms (SR) Oliver Schmitz Producer: Olga Film Station: ARD Casting Director: Charlotte Siebenrock
SOKO Stuttgart - Druck (TV series)
Fabian Steffen (EL) Patrick Winczewski Producer: Bavaria Fiction Station: ZDF
Inga Lindström 100, Einfach nur Liebe
Lasse (SR) Marco Serafini Producer: Bavaria Fiction Station: ZDF Casting Director: Tessa Frank
Ruby (TV series)
Bernd Becker (MR) Natascha Beller Producer: Studio Zentral / BBC Germany Station: ZDF Neo Casting Director: Stephanie Maile
Ein starkes Team - Die letzte Reise (TV movie (series))
Helmut Rossner (ESR) Herwig Fischer Producer: UFA Fiction Station: ZDF [de] Casting Director: Nina Haun
Was ich eigentlich sagen wollte (TV series)
Sven (EL) Michael Starkl Producer: Starkl Film GmbH & Co.KG Station: Comedy Central [de]
Der Zürich-Krimi - Borchert und der verlorene Sohn (TV series)
Kellner (ESR) Roland Suso Richter Producer: Graf Film GmbH Station: ARD [de], Degeto [de] Casting Director: Mai seck
Mein Freund, das Ekel (TV series)
Vermieter (ESR) diverse Producer: Rat Pack Filmproduktion GmbH [de] Station: ZDF [de] Casting Director: Uwe Bünker
Einfach Maria (Series)
Manfred (SR) Jan Hasenfuss Producer: Kempken, Weiler und Halbmann Produktion [de] Station: MDR
Heldt (TV series)
Markus Mehrling (ESR) diverse Producer: Sony Pictures Film und Fernseh Produktions GmbH [de] Station: ZDF [de] Casting Director: Bärbel Bordeux
SOKO Stuttgart (TV series)
Hannes Stratmann (ESR) diverse Producer: Bavaria Fiction GmbH Station: ZDF [de]
Jenny - echt gerecht! (TV series)
Pastor (ESR) Suki Rössel Producer: ITV Studios Germany Fiction GmbH (formerly Talpa Germany Fiction GmbH) Station: RTL [de] Casting Director: Gitta Uhlig
GZSZ Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten (TV series)
Holger Voss (SR) diverse Producer: UFA Serial Drama GmbH Station: RTL [de]
Die Eiserne Zeit - Lieben und Töten im Dreißigjährigen Krieg (Documentary series)
Lambert Steinwich (SR) Philippe Bérenger Producer: LOOKSfilm Station: arte, ZDFinfo [de]
Die Spezialisten - Im Namen der Opfer (TV series)
Beamter diverse Producer: UFA Fiction Station: ZDF [de]
Kommissarin Heller - Verdeckte Spuren (TV movie (series))
KTU Mitarbeiter (SR) Andreas Senn Producer: Ziegler Film GmbH & Co. KG Station: ZDF [de] Casting Director: Suse Marquardt
GZSZ Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten (TV series)
Bastian Scherf (SR) diverse Producer: UFA Serial Drama GmbH Station: RTL [de]
Mem - Die Serie (Series)
Aaron (MR) Christian Stadach Producer: h_da Hochschule Darmstadt Station: Amazon


Key to Adventure, Captain Morgan Nightlife Theatre
Captain Morgan Abass Khatami Theater: Tournee D
My Fair Lady
Harry Bernd Mottl Theater: Staatsoper Hannover
Falco - Das Musical
Manager Peter Rein Theater: Tournee D, A, CH
Afghan Love
Mark Robert Matsuka Theater: Theaterforum Kreuzberg
June Weddings/The Rwandans Visit
R.J/Tim Robert Matsuka Theater: Theaterforum Kreuzberg
My Fair Lady
Harry Bernd Mottl Theater: Staatsoper Hannover
Foscas Vater Holger Hauer Theater: Staatsoperette Dresden
die Schöne Helena
Arjax II Andreas Gergen Theater: Staatstheater Saarbrücken
Ein Leben für den Supermarkt
Norbert Andreas Berg Theater: div Gastspielorte
die schwarzen Brüder
Givo Holger Hauer Theater: Seebühne Walenstadt (CH)
La Cage aux Folles
Hannah Manfred Onouthka Theater: Theater der Altmark
Heisser Sommer
Thomas Wolfgang Bordel Theater: Regattabühne Grünau, Berlin
Edith Piaf, Süchtig nach Liebe
Theo Sarapo Sebastiano Meli Theater: Berliner Scala
Les Miserables
Thenardier Georg Malvius Theater: Festspielhaus Füssen, Arena Xanten
vom Geist der Weihnacht
junger Marley Iris Limbarth Theater: Musical Palast Frankfurt
Steve Ana Hafter Theater: Oper Leipzig
vom Geist der Weihnacht
junger Marley Craig Simmons Theater: Schillertheater Berlin
Heisser Sommer
Transistor Steffen Piontek Theater: Volkstheater Rostock
I Love you , You´re Perfect, Now Change!
Jordan Thomas Grandoch Theater: Hansa Theater Berlin
Life Is
Solist Hardy Rudolz Theater: Kammerspiele Hamburg
Ludiwg II
Josef Kainz/Hans von Bülow Stephan Barbarino Theater: Festspielhaus Füssen
Oberst Kempen Heinz Hellberg Theater: Operettenbühne Wien
Franz von Hahn Helme Heine Theater: Tournee
Ludwig II
Josef Kainz/Hans von Bülow Stephan Barbarino Theater: Festspielhaus Füssen
Ein Maskenball
Tänzer Richard Jones Theater: Bregenzer Festspiele
A Clockwork Orange
Pete Jochen Schölch Theater: Metropoltheater München
Ladies in the Light
Bertold Brecht Helmut Baumann Theater: Prinzregententheater München
The Black Rider
Georg Schmidt Jochen Schölch Theater: Metropoltheater München


Haus in der Ferne / Home in the Distance (Dubbing)
Paul (SR) Andreas Dahn Producer: Andreas Dahn Produktion [de]
Ijon Tichy - Raumpilot (Dubbing)
div Aliens Oliver Jahn Producer: sabotage films GmbH


Sonntags (Wettbewerbsbeitrag Das Vermächtnis) (Spec-Spot)
Nachrichtensprecher (SR) Natalia Sinelnikova Producer: Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf (formerly HFF Konrad Wolf) [de]
Canned (Educational production)
Herr Hauptmann (SR) Joel Ritzmann Producer: Format Fröhlich Filmproduktion
SMS Love Shorty - Liebe to go (Self Made Shorty)
Thomas (MR) Anja Karmanski Producer: Selfmaid Productions, Anja Karmanski [de]


Media Markt - Wo bleibt denn da der Spaß? (Jahreskampagne 2016/17) (Commercial)
Kumpel (SR) Sven Bollinger Producer: Tony Petersen Film
Microsoft Windows Laptop - Ganz Ehrlich (mehrere Spots) (Commercial)
Buchhalter (Spot: Büro) (MR) Charley Stadler Producer: Filmservice [cz]
Sparkasse - Das Sparkassen-Phänomen (Commercial)
Herr Spröngelmeier (MR) Daniel Lwowski Producer: Wolff Brothers GmbH